We determine how and where you can place your oriental rug in the room of your choice.

We have put together some top tips and frequently questions to help you prepare for the best possible rug shopping experience. Of course, once you get to the showroom or if you are shopping online, the experience with the owners or salespeople in the showroom or the experience you have in navigating the website and online store will help you to make your decisions and finalize your purchases. We have included a few rules to follow but want to start off by saying there is one fundamental rule you always need to follow… there is no rule!

There is so much artistry and craftsmanship that goes into the creation of every hand-woven Oriental rug. The more you know and understand the process and how Oriental rugs get made, the more you will appreciate why they are so beautiful and valuable. The most important decision you can make is your very first one. Where should you purchase your Oriental rug?
The best tip to finding the right place to buy your Oriental rug is to go to a reputable, well-known, established store that has been in business for a long time and also take your time with the salesperson or owners. Make sure they are willing to take the time with you to truly help you by answering all of your questions. Try to avoid hotel sales, roadside sales, or any vendor who is not based in your hometown to give you after-sale services.
Another important rule of thumb is to look at buying a new Oriental rug in the same way you would purchase a valuable painting or work of art for a room. Make it the center of attention or the focal point when you enter the room and then build around it with everything else. Use the rest of the room decor and the furniture as supporting characters and the rug is the star of your show. In most European and Asian countries, rugs get used as the main part of a room or space. This is because they believe the “ The rug is the soul of the room.”
Several factors determine how and where you will place your oriental rug in the room of your choice.
Where is the rug going to go?
The size of the furniture and the layout of the room is significant. First of all, you should realize that the rug is the centerpiece of the room. For a living room, the ideal placement of the rug is centered in the room. An 8x10, 9x12, or 10x14 rug will allow you to place your couches over some or all of the rug depending on which size best fits your room and furnishings.
More than anything you should remember to have fun and enjoy the experience. You are looking at beautiful handmade art and help improve the looks and comfort of your home. Your choice is personal but likely is to compliment the aesthetics of your living space for you and your family. Be cautious of advice from people who are not considering your lifestyle when helping you decide what will work best for you.
Financially, depending on what you buy, an Oriental rug is a good investment for your money, [What makes a masterpiece?] and the handmade rug is a quality investment for the future. In most cases, on average, an Oriental rug will outlast the life of 7 sofa’s and many other household items that have “planned obsoletion”. What we mean by “planned obsoletion” is that various household and other items (i.e., T.V.’s, vacuums, and computers) are manufactured to only last a finite amount of time before they break-down or become useless. While Oriental rugs, on the other hand, are quite the opposite they are specifically made to stand up to the test of time. they are EXPECTED to last for several generations and to be passed down from family member to family member.

What is the size of the room?
Do you know what size rug you need?
As we mentioned earlier, the rule is- "There is no rule." If this is your first rug purchase, most likely you are coming from a home with carpet, or have recently remodeled and changed your carpet. You may have hard surface floors you want to enhance or cover.
Some customers know what size rug they need when they come into our showroom. For those who don’t, we will help you choose an Oriental rug size. Whether your living room or any other room in your home, here are a few rules that can help you select the right size rug for whatever space you plan to decorate.
Rules for Living Rooms Some size guides recommend that either all the furniture rests on the rug, or all the furniture, except for the coffee table, is placed completely off the rug. This will look fine, but one exception is the placement of the sofa. In our opinion, the front legs of a sofa can rest on the rug while the rest of the sofa is off the rug.
Do This

Not This

The dining room is unlike any other room in your home, and you should be careful when choosing what rug to use to decorate it. You may select a large enough rug for all the furniture to sit on so when you pull out the chairs at your dining room set, the back legs of your dining room chairs are still sitting evenly on the rug.
If the rug is too small, when the chairs get pulled out, the back legs may go off the rug and they will be difficult to push back under the table or will hit against the edge of the rug and cause damage to it.
Do This

Not This (single)

Do This (double)

Not This (double)

There are some reasonable rules to keep in mind when shopping for an Oriental rug to decorate your bedroom. Let the rug be the star or dominant feature of the room and start with it. Be sure to leave at least two feet of border or space so it isn’t up against the wall. Be generous. Be bold. Fill the room as much as you can with the rug but make it look like it fits perfectly in the room. Our experts recommend the largest rug you can get in the room while still having about two feet of space all the way around the rug. For a queen size bed, a 9’x12’ usually fits best. For a king size bed, you can go with a 10’x14’ or larger, depending upon the size of the room.
Do This

Not This

Consider Your Lifestyle
The world we live in is getting smaller, as a result, we are all becoming closer every day. We travel around the world now more than ever before. In fact, according to “The World Bank” and “ITA,” travel data about the number of international travelers was around 310,441,392 in 1970. It grew to over a billion in 1990 and is now about to reach 4 billion this year. Data shows that many of these world travelers are visiting old countries and experiencing their various cultures.
A rug can dramatically change the look and feel of a room. One of the most natural and most effective ways to finish the look of a room is to add a rug. It is a better idea actually to consider it first. Flooring is too often an afterthought, and even when it added, many times it’s done incorrectly. That’s because a large part of decorating with rugs is based on the principles of proportion, not to mention balance with color, texture and the element of style as well.

Consider your circumstances and your lifestyle. People who select a rug based on their lifestyle or usage are happier long term because their rug will look better, be easier to maintain and will last much longer. Excellent quality and well-constructed rugs last an average of 80 years or more so multiple generations can enjoy the same rug.
Besides leaving a valuable item such as an Oriental rug to a family member or loved one, many of our traveling family members collect unique items from around the world to remember their trips. They visit museums, Palaces, hotels and other places, and experience first hand the atmosphere, cultures, foods, lifestyles, and traditions of these exotic locations.
Many eyes are opened wide to the beauty and colors of worlds beyond their own. Oriental rugs are often considered one of the treasures they seek to bring home to remember their experience and share it with others. This eclecticism covers a variety of time periods and styles. It is brought together in the rug design, through the use of color, texture, shape, and finish. For colors, the palette can
It’s Good To Know Your True Color Palette
Your Oriental rug search may be straightforward if you are not concerned with colors, starting a room from scratch or completely redecorating a room. You can select your rug based on what attracts you to it. Many interior designers find it easier to choose the rug for a room before determining colors or furniture. The Oriental rug itself will define your color palette. With over 3,000 years of working with color, Oriental rug designers have an eye for it. Designers often select the rug first because an Oriental rug is viewed as a limited work of art.
How do you choose the best rug color for your room? Selecting the perfect area rug for your space is both a financial and visual investment. Most Interior Designers recommend “starting with the rug,” to establish a room’s style and décor. If you are choosing a rug for an existing room, your lifestyle and personal taste will be deciding factors as well.

What Are You Trying to Create?
With some research and a little reading, you can learn how to decorate with antique rugs and create a stylish new look for your home. It’s essential to achieve a balance when placing a rug in a room. A useful equation is to subtract 2 or 3 feet from the width and length of your room. Now you understand why it’s important to have your room dimensions before you go shopping for Oriental rugs. The dimensions will help you create the look you want, and the Oriental rug you purchase will harmonize the space and give it a balanced aesthetic.
You can also bring some color and style into a room including the hallways by incorporating an interesting piece like a small Persian or Oriental rug that’s about 3’x5’ or 4’x6’. These rugs can be placed next to a bed, in front of a dresser or even grouped with some furniture to create a lovely, pleasant arrangement.
A Plan For Traffic
Ask yourself if there is much foot traffic in the room. Consider whether you have pets or children. Is the rug going to be a feature or focal point in the room or simply add some subtle texture and finish off the look of the room? It is also a good idea to check to see if the room gets much sunlight throughout the day. Light can definitely affect the look of an Oriental rug. Every rug does not suit every lifestyle, so it is important to consider how you plan to live in the space the rug will occupy. If you have children or pets, choose an easy-to-clean rug with a low-pile that will stand up well to spot cleaning.

Kid and Pet Tested and Approved
Durability is critical to the endurance of any rug in busy households where there are kids and dogs. Pets need to be let in and out several times a day. It’s a given. When your pet comes back in from being outside, they may bring with them; wet paws, sticky leaves, even ice clumped fur. Combine your pets regular in and out trips with the daily routines of your active children, and you will realize your Oriental rug is in a high traffic area.
Now add the unplanned wrestling matches between kids and sometimes pets. Cookie crumbs and spilled milk also seem to have a way of making their marks on the rug. Test the rug of your choice. How does it feel to lay on, sit on and mess on? Will it survive? If it is very durable, it will endure and provide hours of enjoyment, comfort, and beauty. Oriental rugs are very durable by nature, and that is a perfect reason kids, and pets approve Oriental rugs.
What is Your Budget?
A wise man once said, “I don’t have enough money not to buy quality.” When shopping for Oriental rugs, know your budget or come prepared with an idea. You will also find it helpful to know your room dimensions and what colors will work in your room.
Handmade quality rugs are built to last and will pay for themselves over time. You may initially think a rug is expensive until you determine whether it is handmade. Some dealers may use the term, “handmade,” to imply that each of the rug’s thousands and thousands of knots have been tied by hand like a beautiful or antique rug. That is why it is essential to know the difference.

Natural materials versus synthetic in carpet or machine made rugs provide comfort for years and will look even better down the road with an appropriate maintenance schedule. A lot of rugs are one-of-a-kind and antique. These rugs scarce and therefore more valuable. Asking the right questions and doing your research will help you determine what kind of budget you may need to decorate your home.
We have a 100% Trade-In Value
We offer a no-risk guarantee. Ask us about our 100% Trade-In Value. We stand behind our rugs, their quality and as long as they are regularly maintained and not abused, you will see the fruits of your labor when you trade your rugs in—proving they are a great value and investment. We have traded rugs with purchase back 20 years from us. And we will do that every day with pleasure to create a new room and new look for you.

Try the Rug at Home (we deliver free by the way)
One more important thing we advise and live by is our belief in encouraging all of our customers to take their rug purchases home and try them out. See how they look in the actual room or space. There’s no better way to tell how great an Oriental rug is going to look in a room than to put it in the room. If a customer isn’t completely satisfied, they can bring it back. In fact, we will deliver and pick up the rug free of charge. Try it before you buy it. Words to live by. You come and select, we bring for you to see your selection with your lighting and color. no obligation
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