Kazak Rug

Kazak Rug, The Gezelle of the Caucasus Mountains

Between the Caucasian rivers, Kura and Aras, a vast region called Kazak, are deemed and known for a typical antique rug, the Kazak rug. Like all Caucasus, this region too is multi-racial and multicultural. Georgians, Armenians, Azeris, Tats, and Kurds live there. Moreover, Tbilisi and Yerevan, the capitals of Georgia and Armenia located in this

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shirvan rug

Shirvan Rug, The Prince Charming of Azerbaijan!

Shirvan is a region of Eastern Transcaucasia, the Azerbaijan Republic. Iran in the south, Armenia in the west, and Daghestan of Russia in the north surround Shirvan. This area has one the finest Azerbaijani rugs that have familiar touches with the compositions of its neighbor peers. This article will tell you anything you need to

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Karaja rug

Karaja Rug, The Azeri Enchantment

Karaja rug (Also romanized as Qarājeh, Karadja, or Gharaja) is an area on the north-western part of Heriz, Iran, on the Azerbaijan Republic’s frontier. Heriz is a distinctive rug-weaving center with a world reputation. Still, Karaja rug doesn’t have much in common with typical Herizes except in the quality of raw materials. Richened by Sabalan

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tabriz rug

Tabriz Rug, The Magnificent Heritage of Safavid Kings

Tabriz is an ancient city on the slope of the Sahand Mountain, East Azerbaijan province, Iran. It is the biggest city in western Iran, with a population of over 1.73 million. Tabriz was the World Rug Weaving City by the World Crafts Council in October 2015. This article will introduce you to the rich history

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