Borujerd rug

Borujerd Rug, The Colorful Remark of Zagros Mountains

Borujerd Rug is one of the oldest permanent urban settlements in Persia, and many settlements on Zagros skirt could claim so. Still, Borujerd has succeeded in maintaining its leading role during the last two millenniums. Today it is the second big city of the Lorestan province after Khorramabad. It lies on the northern borders of

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Saraband rug

Saraband Rug, The Hand-Knotted Treasure of The Zagros Mountains

You might find many areas named Saraband in the Persian-speaking countries of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. The one we are going to talk about is the rural area in Zagros Mountain between Arak and Borujerd. Romanized as Serabend, the name is a term for a type of design with repeated Boteh motifs of this area.

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